Renter's and homeowner's credits authorized -- No interest allowed.

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  • (1) If a claimant who owns a residence files an application for a homeowner's credit under Section 59-2-1206 and meets the requirements of this part, the claimant's property tax liability for the calendar year is equal to property taxes accrued.
  • (2)
    • (a) A claimant meeting the requirements of this part may claim in any year either a renter's credit under Section 59-2-1209, a homeowner's credit as provided under Section 59-2-1208, or both.
    • (b) If a claimant who owns a residence claims a credit under Subsection (2)(a), the credit shall be applied against the claimant's property taxes accrued.
  • (3) Interest is not allowed on any payment made to a renter's or homeowner's credit claimant under this part.

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