Unauthorized use or possession of official devices, labels, marks, or certificates -- False statements, misrepresentations, and trade secrets.
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(1) A person may not cast, print, lithograph, or make any device or label containing or bearing any official mark or simulation of a mark, or any form or simulation of an official certificate, unless authorized by the commissioner.
(2) A person may not:
(a) forge any official device, mark, or certificate;
(b) use any official device, mark, or certificate without the authorization of the commissioner;
(c) alter, detach, deface, or destroy any official device, mark, or certificate;
(d) fail to use, detach, deface, or destroy any official device, mark, or certificate as required by this chapter;
(e) knowingly possess any of the following, if it bears any unauthorized, counterfeit, simulated, forged, or altered official mark:
(i) an official device;
(ii) a counterfeit, simulated, forged, or altered official certificate;
(iii) a device;
(iv) a label;
(v) a carcass of any animal, including poultry; or
(vi) a part or product of any animal, including poultry;
(f) knowingly make any false statement in any shipper's certificate, or nonofficial or official certificate;
(g) knowingly represent that any meat or poultry product has been inspected and approved, or exempted, under this chapter when, in fact, it has not; or
(h) use to the person's advantage or reveal any information acquired under the authority of this chapter relating to any matter entitled to protection as a trade secret unless the information is:
(i) revealed to an authorized government representative; or