Designation of person to receive notice.

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  • (1)
    • (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), if a governmental entity is required under this chapter to send information or notice to a person, the governmental entity shall send the information or notice to:
      • (i) the person required under the applicable provision of this chapter; and
      • (ii) each person designated in accordance with Subsection (2) by the person described in Subsection (1)(a)(i).
    • (b) If a governmental entity is required under Section 59-2-919, 59-2-919.1, or 59-2-1317 to send information or notice to a person, the governmental entity shall send the information or notice to:
      • (i) the person required under the applicable section; or
      • (ii) one person designated in accordance with Subsection (2) by the person described in Subsection (1)(b)(i).
  • (2)
    • (a) A person to whom a governmental entity is required under this chapter to send information or notice may designate a person to receive the information or notice in accordance with Subsection (1).
    • (b) To make a designation described in Subsection (2)(a), the person shall submit a written request to the governmental entity on a form prescribed by the commission.
  • (3) A person who makes a designation described in Subsection (2) may revoke the designation by submitting a written request to the governmental entity on a form prescribed by the commission.

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