Big game baiting prohibited.

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  • (1) As used in this section:
    • (a)
      • (i) "Bait" means intentionally placing food or nutrient substances to manipulate the behavior of wildlife for the purpose of taking or attempting to take big game.
      • (ii) "Bait" does not include:
        • (A) the use of salt, mineral blocks, or other commonly used types of livestock supplements placed in the field by agricultural producers for normal agricultural purposes; or
        • (B) standing crops, natural vegetation, harvested croplands, or lands or areas where seeds or grains have been scattered solely as the result of a normal agricultural planting, harvesting, post-harvest manipulation, or normal soil stabilization practice.
    • (b) "Baited area" means all land within a 50-yard radius of the site where bait is placed, including the site where bait is placed.
  • (2) Unless authorized by a certificate of registration, it is unlawful to:
    • (a) bait big game;
    • (b) take big game in a baited area; or
    • (c) take big game that has been lured to or is traveling from a baited area.
  • (3) The division may only issue a certificate of registration to allow for the baiting of big game if the division determines that baiting is necessary to alleviate substantial big game depredation on cultivated crops or to facilitate the removal of deer causing property damage within cities or towns.

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