Burden of proof.

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  • (1) As used in this section:
    • (a) "Final assessed value" means:
      • (i) for real property for which the taxpayer appealed the valuation or equalization to the county board of equalization in accordance with Section 59-2-1004, the value given to the real property by the county board of equalization, including a value based on a stipulation of the parties;
      • (ii) for real property for which the taxpayer or a county assessor appealed the valuation or equalization to the commission in accordance with Section 59-2-1006, the value given to the real property by:
        • (A) the commission, if the commission has issued a decision in the appeal or the parties have entered a stipulation; or
        • (B) a county board of equalization, if the commission has not yet issued a decision in the appeal and the parties have not entered a stipulation; or
      • (iii) for real property for which the taxpayer or a county assessor sought judicial review of the valuation or equalization in accordance with Section 59-1-602 or Title 63G, Chapter 4, Part 4, Judicial Review, the value given the real property by the commission.
    • (b) "Inflation adjusted value" means the same as that term is defined in Section 59-2-1004.
    • (c) "Qualified real property" means real property:
      • (i) that is assessed by a county assessor in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment;
      • (ii) for which:
        • (A) the taxpayer or a county assessor appealed the valuation or equalization for the previous taxable year to the county board of equalization in accordance with Section 59-2-1004 or the commission in accordance with Section 59-2-1006;
        • (B) the appeal described in Subsection (1)(c)(ii)(A) resulted in a final assessed value that was lower than the assessed value; and
        • (C) the assessed value for the current taxable year is higher than the inflation adjusted value; and
      • (iii) that, on or after January 1 of the previous taxable year and before January 1 of the current taxable year, has not had a qualifying change.
    • (d) "Qualifying change" means one of the following changes to real property that occurs on or after January 1 of the previous taxable year and before January 1 of the current taxable year:
      • (i) a physical improvement if, solely as a result of the physical improvement, the fair market value of the physical improvement equals or exceeds the greater of 10% of fair market value of the real property or $20,000;
      • (ii) a zoning change, if the fair market value of the real property increases solely as a result of the zoning change; or
      • (iii) a change in the legal description of the real property, if the fair market value of the real property increases solely as a result of the change in the legal description of the real property.
  • (2) For an appeal involving the valuation of real property to the county board of equalization or the commission, the party carrying the burden of proof shall demonstrate:
    • (a) substantial error in:
      • (i) for an appeal not involving qualified real property:
        • (A) if Subsection (3) does not apply and the appeal is to the county board of equalization, the original assessed value;
        • (B) if Subsection (3) does not apply and the appeal is to the commission, the value given to the property by the county board of equalization; or
        • (C) if Subsection (3) applies, the original assessed value; or
      • (ii) for an appeal involving qualified real property, the inflation adjusted value; and
    • (b) a sound evidentiary basis upon which the county board of equalization or the commission could adopt a different valuation.
  • (3)
    • (a) The party described in Subsection (3)(b) shall carry the burden of proof before a county board of equalization or the commission, in an action appealing the value of property:
      • (i) that is not qualified real property; and
      • (ii) for which a county assessor, a county board of equalization, or the commission asserts that the fair market value of the assessed property is greater than the original assessed value for that calendar year.
    • (b) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a), the following have the burden of proof:
      • (i) for property assessed under Part 3, County Assessment:
        • (A) the county assessor, if the county assessor is a party to the appeal that asserts that the fair market value of the assessed property is greater than the original assessed value for that calendar year; or
        • (B) the county board of equalization, if the county board of equalization is a party to the appeal that asserts that the fair market value of the assessed property is greater than the original assessed value for that calendar year; or
      • (ii) for property assessed under Part 2, Assessment of Property, the commission, if the commission is a party to the appeal that asserts that the fair market value of the assessed property is greater than the original assessed value for that calendar year.
    • (c) For purposes of this Subsection (3) only, if a county assessor, county board of equalization, or the commission asserts that the fair market value of the assessed property is greater than the original assessed value for that calendar year:
      • (i) the original assessed value shall lose the presumption of correctness;
      • (ii) a preponderance of the evidence shall suffice to sustain the burden for all parties; and
      • (iii) the county board of equalization or the commission shall be free to consider all evidence allowed by law in determining fair market value, including the original assessed value.
  • (4)
    • (a) The party described in Subsection (4)(b) shall carry the burden of proof before a county board of equalization or the commission in an action appealing the value of qualified real property if at least one party presents evidence of or otherwise asserts a value other than inflation adjusted value.
    • (b) For purposes of Subsection (4)(a):
      • (i) the county assessor or the county board of equalization that is a party to the appeal has the burden of proof if the county assessor or county board of equalization presents evidence of or otherwise asserts a value that is greater than or equal to the inflation adjusted value; or
      • (ii) the taxpayer that is a party to the appeal has the burden of proof if the taxpayer presents evidence of or otherwise asserts a value that is less than the inflation adjusted value.
    • (c) The burdens of proof described in Subsection (4)(b) apply before a county board of equalization or the commission even if the previous year's valuation is:
      • (i) pending an appeal requested in accordance with Section 59-2-1006 or judicial review requested in accordance with Section 59-1-602 or Title 63G, Chapter 4, Part 4, Judicial Review; or
      • (ii) overturned by the commission as a result of an appeal requested in accordance with Section 59-2-1006 or by a court of competent jurisdiction as a result of judicial review requested in accordance with Section 59-1-602 or Title 63G, Chapter 4, Part 4, Judicial Review.

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