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(1) A person may not operate a meat establishment in the state without a meat establishment license issued by the department.
(a) Application for a license to operate a meat establishment shall be made to the department upon a form prescribed and furnished by the department.
(b) Upon receipt of a proper application, compliance with all applicable rules, and the payment of an annual license fee determined by the department according to Subsection 4-2-103(2), the commissioner, if satisfied that the public convenience and necessity will be served, shall issue a license allowing the applicant to operate a meat establishment through December 31 of the year in which the license is issued, subject to suspension or revocation for cause.
(c) A meat establishment license is annually renewable on or before December 31 of each year, upon the payment of an annual license renewal fee in an amount determined by the department according to Subsection 4-2-103(2).
(a) Application for a farm custom slaughter license to engage in the business of slaughtering livestock or a nonamenable species shall be made to the department on a form prescribed and furnished by the department.
(b) Upon receipt of a proper application, compliance with all applicable rules, and payment of a license fee in an amount determined by the department according to Subsection 4-2-103(2), the commissioner shall issue a license allowing the applicant to engage in farm custom slaughtering.
(c) A farm custom slaughter license is annually renewable on or before December 31 of each year, upon the payment of an annual renewal license fee in an amount determined by the department according to Subsection 4-2-103(2).