Meat establishment license -- Slaughtering livestock except in licensed meat establishment prohibited -- Exceptions -- Violation a misdemeanor.
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(1) A person may not, except in a licensed meat establishment, slaughter animals for human consumption or assist other persons in the slaughter or processing of animals except as otherwise provided in Subsection (2), (3), or (4).
(2) A person who raises an animal or an employee of that person may slaughter an animal without a farm custom slaughter license if:
(a) slaughtering or processing animals is not prohibited by local ordinance;
(b) any hide, viscera, blood, or other tissue is disposed of by removal to a rendering facility or landfill or by burial, as allowed by law;
(c) the meat or poultry product derived from the slaughtered animal is consumed exclusively by the person or the person's immediate family, regular employees of the person, or nonpaying guests; and
(d) the meat or poultry product is marked "Not For Sale."
(3) Farm custom slaughter may be performed by a person who holds a valid farm custom slaughter license.
(4) A retail establishment that processes meat or poultry products primarily for sale to individual consumers at the retail establishment is exempt from provisions requiring licensing of a meat establishment if:
(a) the retail establishment is not engaged in slaughter operations;
(b) the retail establishment sells the processed meat and poultry products only to individual consumers at the retail establishment or to restaurants or institutions for use in meals served at those restaurants or institutions;
(c) the retail establishment's sales of processed meat and poultry products to restaurants or institutions do not exceed the federal adjusted dollar limitation, or 25% by dollar volume of all meat sales from the retail establishment, whichever is less;
(d) the retail establishment receives meat only from a meat establishment licensed under this chapter or inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture under 21 U.S.C. Secs. 451 to 695;
(e) the operator of the retail establishment does not sell to any person other than an individual consumer any meat or poultry product that is cured, smoked, seasoned, canned, or cooked at the retail establishment;
(f) the retail establishment does not sell any meat or poultry product that is cured, smoked, seasoned, canned, or cooked at the retail establishment at a location other than the retail establishment; and
(g) the operator of the retail establishment does not sell to any person other than an individual consumer any meat product made by combining meat from different animal species at the retail establishment.
(5) Any person who violates this section, except as otherwise provided in Subsection (6), is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
(6) Any person who offers for sale or sells any uninspected meat or poultry product is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.