Duties -- Reporting.

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  • (1) The committee shall:
    • (a) for each application submitted in accordance with Section 36-23-105, conduct a sunrise review in accordance with Section 36-23-107 before November 1:
      • (i) of the year in which the application is submitted, if the application is submitted on or before July 1; or
      • (ii) of the year following the year in which the application is submitted, if the application is submitted after July 1; and
    • (b)
      • (i) conduct a sunset review for each statute regarding a regulated lawful occupation that is scheduled for termination under Title 63I, Chapter 1, Part 2, Repeal Dates Requiring Committee Review by Title;
      • (ii) conduct a sunset review under this Subsection (1)(b) before November 1 of the year prior to the last general session of the Legislature that is scheduled to meet before the scheduled termination date; and
      • (iii) conduct a review or study regarding any other occupational or professional licensure or other regulation matter referred to the committee by the Legislature, the Legislative Management Committee, or other legislative committee.
  • (2)
    • (a) The committee may conduct a review or study regarding any occupational or professional regulation matter.
    • (b) In conducting a review or study under this Subsection (2), the committee shall consider if the committee's recommendations would negatively affect the interest of members of the regulated lawful occupation, including the effect on matters of reciprocity with other states.
  • (3) The committee shall submit, in accordance with Section 68-3-14, an annual written report before November 1 to:
    • (a) the Legislative Management Committee; and
    • (b) the Business and Labor Interim Committee.
  • (4) The written report required by Subsection (3) shall include:
    • (a) all findings and recommendations made by the committee in the calendar year; and
    • (b) a summary report of each review or study conducted by the committee stating:
      • (i) whether the review or study included a review of specific proposed or existing statutory language;
      • (ii) action taken by the committee as a result of the review or study; and
      • (iii) a record of the vote for each action taken by the committee.

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