Cause of action for noncompliance -- Remedies.

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  • (1) An individual who is injured, physically or otherwise, as a result of any policy or rule prohibited by Section 34-45-103, may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against any person that violates the provisions of Section 34-45-103.
  • (2) Any individual who asserts a claim under this section is entitled to request:
    • (a) declaratory relief;
    • (b) temporary or permanent injunctive relief to prevent the threatened or continued violation;
    • (c) recovery for actual damages sustained; and
    • (d) punitive damages, if:
      • (i) serious bodily injury or death occurs as a result of the violation of Section 34-45-103; or
      • (ii) the person who violates Section 34-45-103 has previously been notified by the attorney general that a policy or rule violates Section 34-45-103.
  • (3) The prevailing party in an action brought under this chapter may recover its court costs and reasonable attorney fees incurred.
  • (4) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed or held to affect any rights or claims made in relation to Title 34A, Chapter 2, Workers' Compensation Act.

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