Applications -- Fees.

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  • (1) If a government requestor or a representative of a lawful occupation that is not licensed by the state proposes that the state license or newly regulate a lawful occupation, the requestor or representative shall, prior to the introduction of any proposed legislation, submit an application for sunrise review to the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel in a form approved by the committee.
  • (2) Along with any other information requested by the committee, the application shall include a description of:
    • (a) why licensing or other regulation of the lawful occupation is required to protect against present, recognizable, and significant harm to the health or safety of the public; and
    • (b) what is the least restrictive regulation of the lawful occupation that would protect against recognizable and significant harm to the health or safety of the public.
  • (3) If an application is submitted by a representative of a lawful occupation, the application shall include a nonrefundable fee of $500.
  • (4) All application fees shall be deposited into the General Fund.

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