Installment payments -- Penalty.

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  • (1) A person whose total tax obligation under this chapter for the preceding taxable year was $10,000 or more shall pay the taxes levied under this chapter in quarterly installments. Each installment shall be based on the estimated insurance premiums received, or for the taxes imposed under Section 59-9-103, upon the estimated total administrative and claims expense incurred during the calendar quarter preceding the date on which that quarterly installment is due. The installments are due on or before April 30, July 31, October 31, and March 31. To the extent installment payments result in an overpayment of the tax obligation under this chapter, the overpayment shall be promptly refunded.
  • (2) If an installment is not paid or is underpaid, except as provided in Subsection (3), there shall be added a penalty at the rate and in the manner prescribed in Section 59-1-401. The amount of the underpayment is the excess of 80% of the installment shown to be due by an audit of the taxpayer's records over the amount, if any, of the installment paid on or before the last date prescribed for the payment. The taxpayer shall pay the cost of the audit, if any.
  • (3) No penalty, interest, or audit charge may be assessed under Subsection (2) if the taxpayer pays, for any installment required by this section, at least 27% of the annual tax reported on its annual statement for the preceding taxable year.
  • (4) There shall be no interest added to any estimated tax payments subject to a penalty under this section.

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