Statement of interest exchange.

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  • (1) A statement of interest exchange must be signed by a domestic acquired limited liability company and delivered to the division for filing.
  • (2) A statement of interest exchange must contain:
    • (a) the name of the acquired limited liability company;
    • (b) the name, jurisdiction of formation, and type of entity of the acquiring entity;
    • (c) a statement that the plan of interest exchange was approved by the acquired limited liability entity in accordance with Sections 48-3a-1031 through 48-3a-1036; and
    • (d) any amendments to the acquired limited liability company's certificate of organization approved as part of the plan of interest exchange.
  • (3) In addition to the requirements of Subsection (2), a statement of interest exchange may contain any other provision not prohibited by law.
  • (4) A plan of interest exchange that is signed by a domestic acquired limited liability company and meets all the requirements of Subsection (2) may be delivered to the division for filing instead of a statement of interest exchange and on filing has the same effect. If a plan of interest exchange is filed as provided in this Subsection (4), references in this part to a statement of interest exchange refer to the plan of interest exchange filed under this Subsection (4).

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