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  • (1) "County or municipality franchise fee" means a franchise fee that a county or municipality receives from a multi-channel video or audio service provider.
  • (2) "Franchise fee" is as defined in 47 U.S.C. Sec. 542, except that the term "cable operator" or "cable subscriber" shall be interpreted to include a multi-channel video or audio service provider.
  • (3)
    • (a) "Multi-channel video or audio service provider" means any person or group of persons that:
      • (i) provides multi-channel video or audio service and directly or indirectly owns a significant interest in the multi-channel video or audio service; or
      • (ii) otherwise controls or is responsible through any arrangement, the management and operation of the multi-channel video or audio service.
    • (b) "Multi-channel video or audio service provider" includes the following except as specifically exempted by state or federal law:
      • (i) a cable operator;
      • (ii) a CATV provider;
      • (iii) a multi-point distribution provider;
      • (iv) a MMDS provider;
      • (v) a SMATV operator;
      • (vi) a direct-to-home satellite service provider; or
      • (vii) a DBS provider.
  • (4) "Municipality" means a city or town.

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