Cigarettes and tobacco -- Advertising restrictions -- Warnings in smokeless tobacco advertisements.
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(1) It is a class B misdemeanor for any person to display on any billboard, streetcar sign, streetcar, bus, placard, or on any other object or place of display, any advertisement of cigarettes, cigarette papers, cigars, chewing tobacco, or smoking tobacco or any disguise or substitute of either, except that a dealer in cigarettes, cigarette papers, tobacco or cigars, or their substitutes, may have a sign on the front of his place of business stating that he is a dealer in the articles; provided that nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the advertising of cigarettes, cigarette papers, chewing tobacco or smoking tobacco, or any substitute of either, in any newspaper, magazine or periodical printed or circulating in this state.
(2) Any advertisement for smokeless tobacco placed in a newspaper, magazine, or periodical published in this state must bear a warning which states: "Use of smokeless tobacco may cause oral cancer and other mouth disorders and is addictive." This warning must be in a conspicuous location and in conspicuous and legible type, in contrast with the typography, layout, and color of all other printed material in the advertisement. For purposes of this subsection, "smokeless tobacco" means any finely cut, ground, powdered, or leaf tobacco that is intended to be placed in the oral cavity or nasal passage. In the event the United States Congress passes legislation which requires warnings in advertisements of smokeless tobacco, the specific language required to be placed in advertisements by that legislation shall take precedence over this subsection.