Body-worn cameras -- Written policies and procedures.
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(1) Any law enforcement agency that uses body-worn cameras shall have a written policy governing the use of body-worn cameras that is consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
(a) Any written policy regarding the use of body-worn cameras by a law enforcement agency shall, at a minimum:
(i) comply with and include the requirements in this chapter; and
(ii) address the security, storage, and maintenance of data collected from body-worn cameras.
(b) Except as provided in Subsection 77-7a-104(11), this chapter does not prohibit a law enforcement agency from adopting body-worn camera policies that are more expansive than the minimum guidelines provided in this chapter.
(3) This chapter does not require an officer to jeopardize the safety of the public, other law enforcement officers, or himself or herself in order to activate or deactivate a body-worn camera.