Application and effect of chapter.

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  • (1) This chapter applies to a benefit company organized under this chapter.
  • (2)
    • (a) The existence of a provision in this chapter does not itself create an implication that a contrary or different rule of law is applicable to a limited liability company that is not a benefit company.
    • (b) This chapter does not affect a statute or rule of law that is applicable to a limited liability company that is not a benefit company.
  • (3)
    • (a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, Title 48, Chapter 3a, Utah Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, applies to a benefit company.
    • (b) The provisions of this chapter control over any inconsistent provision of Title 48, Chapter 3a, Utah Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.
  • (4) The operating agreement of a benefit company may not limit, be inconsistent with, or supersede a provision of this chapter.

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