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  • (1)
    • (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), "severe type of child abuse or neglect" means:
      • (i) if committed by a person 18 years of age or older:
        • (A) chronic abuse;
        • (B) severe abuse;
        • (C) sexual abuse;
        • (D) sexual exploitation;
        • (E) abandonment;
        • (F) chronic neglect; or
        • (G) severe neglect; or
      • (ii) if committed by a person under the age of 18:
        • (A) serious physical injury, as defined in Subsection 76-5-109(1), to another child which indicates a significant risk to other children; or
        • (B) sexual behavior with or upon another child which indicates a significant risk to other children.
    • (b) "Severe type of child abuse or neglect" does not include:
      • (i) the use of reasonable and necessary physical restraint by an educator in accordance with Subsection 53G-8-302(2) or Section 76-2-401;
      • (ii) a person's conduct that:
        • (A) is justified under Section 76-2-401; or
        • (B) constitutes the use of reasonable and necessary physical restraint or force in self-defense or otherwise appropriate to the circumstances to obtain possession of a weapon or other dangerous object in the possession or under the control of a child or to protect the child or another person from physical injury; or
      • (iii) a health care decision made for a child by the child's parent or guardian, unless, subject to Subsection 62A-4a-1004(2), the state or other party to the proceeding shows, by clear and convincing evidence, that the health care decision is not reasonable and informed.
  • (2) "Significant risk" means a risk of harm that is determined to be significant in accordance with risk assessment tools and rules established by the division that focus on:
    • (a) age;
    • (b) social factors;
    • (c) emotional factors;
    • (d) sexual factors;
    • (e) intellectual factors;
    • (f) family risk factors; and
    • (g) other related considerations.

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