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(1) In accordance with Section 77-27-5, the Board of Pardons and Parole may release the defendant on parole and as a condition of parole, the board may order the defendant to be prohibited from directly or indirectly engaging in any profit or benefit generating activity relating to the publication of facts or circumstances pertaining to the defendant's involvement in the criminal act for which the defendant is convicted.
(2) The order may prohibit the defendant from contracting with any person, firm, corporation, partnership, association, or other legal entity with respect to the commission and reenactment of the defendant's criminal conduct, by way of a movie, book, magazine article, tape recording, phonograph record, radio, or television presentations, live entertainment of any kind, or from the expression of the defendant's thoughts, feelings, opinions, or emotions regarding the criminal conduct.
(3) The board may order that the prohibition includes any event undertaken and experienced by the defendant while avoiding apprehension from the authorities or while facing criminal charges.
(4) The board may order that any action taken by the defendant by way of execution of power of attorney, creation of corporate entities, or other action to avoid compliance with the board's order shall be grounds for revocation of parole as provided in Section 77-27-11.
(5) Adult Probation and Parole shall notify the board of any alleged violation of the board's order under this section.
(6) The violation of the board's order shall be considered a violation of parole.
(7) For purposes of this section:
(a) "convicted" means a conviction by entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, guilty with a mental illness, no contest, and conviction of any crime or offense; and
(b) "defendant" means the convicted defendant, the defendant's assignees, and representatives acting on the defendant's authority.