Loan Guarantees — Cutoff Date for Guarantee
Tennessee Code
Public Finances
Loans to Local Subdivisions in Emergencies
Emergency Financial Aid to Local Governments
- Loan Guarantees — Cutoff Date for Guarantee
In order to provide emergency technical and financial assistance to a local government, the state funding board is authorized to guarantee the payment of a loan made to a local government by another lender only under the following conditions:
- A majority of all members constituting the local government legislative body, by resolution, has requested a loan guarantee from the state funding board;
- The local government legislative body agrees in its resolution requesting a loan guarantee to accept the emergency technical assistance provided by the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee and to be bound by the decisions of the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee;
- The state funding board has determined that current local government revenues are insufficient to pay the annual debt service and costs of operation of such local government or local government service; and
- The local government legislative body shall submit a plan, subject to approval by the state funding board, for the efficient operations of government services including, where applicable, a plan for the consolidation of services within that local government. Such plan shall include local government tax revenues at least equal to one hundred percent (100%) of that local government's fiscal capacity as determined by the advisory commission on intergovernmental relations. If a local government has not levied taxes at this level, a plan to increase taxes to such level at the earliest practical date must be submitted to and approved by the state funding board. The board's guarantee of the payment of any loan under this part shall be conditioned upon the implementation of the plan required under this section.
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