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All employees and teachers of all state special schools and all persons employed by state government who are entitled to accrue sick leave pursuant to part 8 of this chapter, and who have been employed by state government or any state special school for twelve (12) full months immediately preceding application for participation, and who have a sick leave balance in an amount to be determined by the board of trustees, are eligible to participate in the sick leave bank.
Upon the establishment of a sick leave bank and selection of the trustees therefor, the commissioner of human resources shall notify all state employees that they are eligible to participate in the sick leave bank. Following such notice, any state employee may indicate on forms prepared and approved by the trustees and distributed by the commissioner a desire to participate in the bank by submitting such forms to the office which handles records for sick leave for the state.
Employees and teachers of all state special schools and state employees electing to participate shall do so during the months of August, September, or October of any year.
By written notice to the trustees, a member may withdraw from the bank participation on any June 30. Membership withdrawal results in forfeiture of all days contributed.