Confidentiality — Liability for Providing Data — Creation of New Records or Data — Destruction of Data

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  1. All records obtained pursuant to this chapter shall be treated as confidential investigative records of the office of inspector general and shall not be open to public inspection; provided, however, that nothing in this part shall be construed to affect the obligation of the single state agency under federal law to provide the medicaid fraud control unit with access to, and free copies of, all records or information or computerized data kept or stored by the agency pursuant to 42 CFR 455.21(a).
  2. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no person shall be subject to any civil or criminal liability for providing the office of inspector general with access to data as required by this chapter.
  3. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require any person or entity to create new records or data that did not exist at the time of the request; provided, that no person or entity may destroy existing data after having been put on notice that access to the data is required pursuant to this section.

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