Unjust Rate, Fare, Schedule or Classification Prohibited
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No public utility shall:
Make, impose, or exact any unreasonable, unjustly discriminatory or unduly preferential individual or joint rate, or special rate, toll, fare, charge, or schedule for any product, or service supplied or rendered by it within this state; or
Adopt or impose any unjust or unreasonable classification in the making or as the basis of any rate, toll, charge, fare, or schedule for any product or service rendered by it within this state.
Any measure taken by any public utility to avoid discrimination in rates, charges, fees and in the availability and quality of energy against consumers using solar- or wind-powered equipment as a source of energy shall not be considered unreasonable, unjust, or unduly preferential in violation of this section, unless such customers do not have sufficient safety equipment to protect the suppliers from damage.