Disciplinary Action

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  1. The board is empowered to deny or refuse to renew a license, or suspend or revoke a license or permit, or issue orders to cease and desist from certain conduct or to otherwise lawfully discipline an applicant, a licensee, a permittee or a person found guilty of violating any provisions of this chapter when such person has:
    1. Attempted or obtained licensure by fraud or misrepresentation;
    2. Engaged in unethical or unprofessional conduct, including, but not limited to, willful acts, negligence or a pattern of continued and repeated health care liability, negligence or incompetence in the course of professional practice;
    3. Engaged in habitual intoxication or personal misuse of any drug, narcotic, controlled substance or controlled substance analogue so as to adversely affect the person's ability to practice;
    4. Been convicted of a felony or any offense under state or federal laws involving moral turpitude;
    5. Violated any lawful order, rule or regulation rendered or adopted by the board; or
    6. Violated any provision of this chapter.
  2. All administrative proceedings for disciplinary action against a license holder or permittee shall be conducted by the board in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5.
  3. The board shall promulgate rules governing the assessment of costs against a licensee or other person found by the board to have violated any provision of this chapter. The costs assessed by the board may include only those costs directly related to the prosecution of the charges against the licensee or other person, including investigatory costs where appropriate. The board shall determine the appropriate amount of costs, if any, to be assessed in a contested case. These costs shall be reasonable and proportionate in light of the violation committed by the licensee or other person.
    1. Any elected officer of the board, or any duly appointed or elected chair has the authority to administer oaths to witnesses. Upon probable cause being established, the board, by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members to which the board is entitled, may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents and records.
    2. Service of a subpoena issued by the board shall be made by the sheriff of the county of residence of the licensee or person upon whom the subpoena is served.
      1. A licensee or person served by subpoena shall have thirty (30) days to request in writing a hearing before the board for the sole purpose of making a special appearance to quash or modify the subpoena. The subpoena for attendance of the person or the production of books and records shall be stayed until the board votes upon the request to quash or modify the subpoena. A majority vote of the members to which the board is entitled shall be required to quash or modify a subpoena.
      2. A motion to appeal from a decision by the board regarding a request to quash or modify a subpoena shall be made to the chancery court in Davidson County within fifteen (15) days of such decision.
    3. If any witness fails or refuses to obey a subpoena issued by it, the board is authorized to make application to any court of record in this state within the jurisdiction of which the witness is found or resides, and the court shall have power to attach the body of the witness and compel the witness to appear before the board and give testimony or produce books, records or papers as ordered. Any failure to obey the court order may be punished by the court issuing the order as a civil contempt.
    4. Each witness who appears before the board by order of the board shall receive for attendance the compensation provided by law for attendance of witnesses in a court of record, which shall be paid from the funds of the board in the same manner as all other expenses of the board are paid.
  4. An action taken under this section shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the Fresh Start Act that are compiled in chapter 1, part 1 of this title.

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