Expiration and Renewal of Licenses

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  1. All licenses shall expire the last day of the twenty-fourth month from issuance or renewal.
    1. A license shall be subject to late renewal for a period of six (6) months following its expiration date by payment of the renewal fee plus a penalty as set by the commission for each month or portion of a month that elapses before payment is tendered.
    2. Any person who fails to renew the person's license within six (6) months after its expiration must reapply for licensure.
    1. Any polygraph examiner whose license expired while the polygraph examiner was in the federal service on active duty with the armed forces of the United States, the national guard called into service or training or in training or education under the supervision of the United States preliminary to induction into the military service may have the license renewed without examination if within two (2) years after termination of the service, training or education, except under conditions other than honorable, and this includes any charges of drug violations or felonies, the polygraph examiner furnishes the commission with an affidavit to the effect that the polygraph examiner has been so engaged and that the polygraph examiner's service, training or education has been so terminated.
    2. Section 62-27-107(a)(2)-(4) and (8) must also be satisfied.
  2. The continuing education requirements established pursuant to § 62-27-105 shall be satisfied prior to a license renewal.

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