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    1. Upon approval by the commission, an internship permit shall be issued to an intern applicant who has completed a recognized polygraph school; provided, that the intern applicant applies for the license and pays the required fee.
    2. The application shall contain information that may be required by the commission.
  1. An internship permit shall be valid for the term of twelve (12) months from the date of issue. The permit may be extended or renewed for any term not to exceed six (6) months upon good cause shown to the commission. The intern may apply for an examiner's license after completion of six (6) months from the date of issue of the internship; provided, however, that all other requirements of this chapter are met.
  2. An intern shall not be entitled to hold an internship permit after the expiration date of the original twelve (12) month period and six (6) month extension if an extension is granted by the commission until twelve (12) months after the date of expiration of the last internship license held by the intern.
  3. All intern applicants are required to take and pass an intern examination as prescribed by the commission prior to commencement of the internship unless the applicant has completed a polygraph school or held a polygraph examiner license in this state in the immediate preceding twenty-four month period.
  4. No intern may administer an actual polygraph examination without an intern permit.
  5. All internship programs shall be subject to inspection and review by the commission at the times and in the manner that it prescribes. The commission may require that interns administer certain numbers and types of polygraph examinations during their period of internship.
    1. In order to be eligible to serve as a sponsor for an intern polygraph examiner, a person must have held a valid Tennessee polygraph examiner's license for at least the immediately preceding two (2) years.
    2. No licensed polygraph examiner may sponsor more than two (2) interns at any one time. Each sponsor shall submit to the commission on the prescribed forms progress reports on the sponsor's intern or interns every sixty (60) days.

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