Any practitioner determined by the court to have violated §56-47-103 shall be deemed to have committed an act involving moral turpitude that is inimical to the public well-being. The court or prosecutor shall notify the appropriate licensing authority in this state of the judgment for appropriate disciplinary action, including revocation of any such professional's license, and may notify appropriate licensing authorities in any other jurisdictions where the practitioner is licensed. Any victim may notify the appropriate licensing authorities in this state and any other jurisdiction where the practitioner is licensed, of the conviction. The state licensing authority shall take appropriate administrative action authorized by state law, to consider the imposition of any administrative sanctions or license revocations as provided by law against the practitioner. It is recommended by the general assembly that the state supreme court shall take appropriate action, including, but not limited to, disbarment with respect to any attorney found guilty of such felony. All the referrals to the appropriate licensing or other agencies, and all dispositive actions of the licensing or other agencies, shall be a matter of public record.