No outdoor advertising device shall be erected or continued in use for the purpose of having its message read from the main traveled ways of Interstate 26 from State Route 1 in Sullivan County to State Route 67 in Washington County (formerly Interstate 181), except those portions within the boundaries of an incorporated municipality on March 3, 1994, Interstate 440 in Davidson County, Interstate 640 in Knox County, or the section of State Route 840 in Williamson County from State Route 246 to one (1) mile from the intersection with State Route 100. Failure to comply with this section renders the outdoor advertising device a nuisance, subject to immediate disposal, removal, or destruction and subject to the civil penalty and remedies provided in §54-21-105. Valid permits for outdoor advertising devices located along Interstate 640 in Knox County issued prior to May 13, 1982, remain valid after May 13, 1982, and the holders of the permits are permitted to construct, reconstruct, maintain, or repair the outdoor advertising devices according to the original application for which a permit was issued. Valid permits for outdoor advertising devices located along Interstate 26 from State Route 1 in Sullivan County to State Route 67 in Washington County (formerly Interstate 181), issued prior to March 3, 1994, remain valid after March 3, 1994, and the holders of the permits are permitted to construct, reconstruct, maintain, or repair the outdoor advertising devices according to the original application for which a permit was issued.