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Any student who is eligible for enrollment in a public school in this state may enroll in a virtual school as either a full-time virtual school student or as a part-time virtual school student taking some of the student's courses through the virtual school. An LEA is authorized to charge tuition to any person not enrolled in a public school within the LEA for attendance in an LEA established virtual school.
Initial enrollment in a public virtual school shall be limited to one thousand five hundred (1,500) students; however, any public virtual school in operation as of January 1, 2013, may continue to serve the number of students enrolled in the school as of May 14, 2013. If a public virtual school demonstrates student achievement growth at a minimum level of “at expectations” as represented by the Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) developed pursuant to chapter 1, part 6 of this title and guidelines adopted by the state board of education pursuant to chapter 1, part 3 of this title the school may exceed the enrollment cap.