Criminal Penalties for Violation of §§ 47-25-101, 47-25-102 — Prosecution

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  1. Any violation of either § 47-25-101 or § 47-25-102 is declared to be destructive of full and free competition and a conspiracy against trade, and any person who engages in any such conspiracy or who, as principal, manager, director, or agent, or in any other capacity, knowingly carries out any of the stipulations, purposes, prices, rates, or orders made in furtherance of such conspiracy, commits a Class E felony.
  2. Any violation of § 47-25-101 or § 47-25-102 by a corporation shall upon conviction be punished by a fine not exceeding one million dollars ($1,000,000).
  3. The attorney general and reporter has the power to institute criminal proceedings against persons and corporations for violations of § 47-25-101 or § 47-25-102, that involve the award of a contract by the state. However, the attorney general and reporter has jurisdiction to institute criminal proceedings that involve violations on contracts awarded by political subdivisions of the state upon the written request of the local district attorney general.

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