Annual Reports of Registrants — Reports by Commissioner to Governor and General Assembly
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Each registrant shall file an annual report with the commissioner by July 31 of each year, containing the following information:
The names and addresses of persons owning controlling interest in the registrant;
The location of all places of business operated by the registrant and the nature of the business conducted at each location;
The names and addresses of all affiliated lenders and affiliated insurance companies doing business in this state;
Balance sheets, statements of income and expense, summaries of the types of loans made, and other statistical information that may reasonably be required by the commissioner, consistent with generally accepted accounting practices, for the purpose of determining the general results of operations under this chapter; and
If the registrant is a corporation, the names and addresses of its officers and directors, or if the registrant is a partnership, the names and addresses of the partners.
If the registrant holds two (2) or more certificates of registration or is affiliated with other registrants, a composite report may be filed, but may not be required.
The reports shall be filed in a form that may reasonably be required by the commissioner and shall be sworn to by a responsible officer of the registrant. The commissioner is encouraged to adopt forms for the reports consistent with any system uniform with other states.
The commissioner shall prepare and submit to the governor and the general assembly, annually, an analysis and recapitulation of the reports for the preceding calendar year for the purpose of reflecting the general results of operations under this chapter.