Delinquent Acts

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  1. It is a delinquent act for a person under eighteen (18) years of age to purchase, or attempt to purchase, a state lottery ticket or share.
  2. It is a delinquent act for a person under eighteen (18) years of age to redeem, or attempt to redeem, a state lottery ticket or share.
  3. A violation of this section is punishable by a fine not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) or, in the discretion of the court, community service work not less than twenty (20) hours nor more than fifty (50) hours.
  4. This section shall not be construed as prohibiting any person under eighteen (18) years of age from handling or transporting state lottery tickets or shares as a part of and in the course of the person's employment; provided, however, that the person is under the supervision of another employee who is at least twenty-one (21) years of age.

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