Drug Offender Registry

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  1. There is created within the Tennessee bureau of investigation a registry of persons convicted of a violation of any of the following offenses:
    1. Section 39-17-418 involving any substance listed in § 39-17-408(d)(2);
    2. Section 39-17-431;
    3. Any felony offense prohibited by this part; or
    4. Conspiracy to commit, attempt to commit, or solicitation to commit any of the offenses listed in subdivisions (a)(1)-(3).
  2. This registry shall be maintained by the Tennessee bureau of investigation based upon information supplied to the bureau by the clerks pursuant to subsection (c) and the registry shall be made available for public inquiry on the internet.
  3. The registry shall consist of the person's name, date of birth, offense or offenses requiring the person's inclusion on the registry, the conviction date and county of those offenses. If available after reasonable inquiry, the clerk shall provide the bureau of investigation with the person's driver license number and issuing state, or any other state or federal identification number, and such other identifying data as the bureau determines is necessary to properly identify the convicted person and exclude innocent persons. However, the registry available for public inquiry shall not include the person's social security number, driver license number, or any other state or federal identification number.
  4. The court clerks shall forward a copy of the judgment and date of birth of all persons who are convicted of a violation of the offenses described in subsection (a) to the Tennessee bureau of investigation. The information shall be forwarded to the bureau within forty-five (45) days of the date of judgment.
  5. The Tennessee bureau of investigation shall remove from the registry the name and other identifying information of persons who are convicted of a violation of the offenses described in subsection (a) ten (10) years after the date of the most recent conviction.
  6. Any person convicted of an offense or offenses for which placement on the drug offender registry is required pursuant to subsection (a) shall be prohibited from purchasing a nonexempt product containing any immediate methamphetamine precursor for the entire period such person is required to be on the registry.

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