Alteration of Warning, Guard or Other Safety Device From Any Machine, Tool, or Other Implement

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    1. It is an offense for any person to knowingly and intentionally remove, disconnect, alter or cause to have removed, disconnected or altered a warning, guard or other safety device from any machine, tool or other implement and as a result of that action another person suffers bodily injury or death. For purposes of this section, “machine, tool or other implement” does not include:
      1. Any item of equipment or device being used for agricultural, forestry purposes, or lawn and garden care purposes; or
      2. Any item being used for home improvements or maintenance by a person not engaged in commercial activities.
    2. It is not an offense to knowingly and intentionally remove, disconnect, alter or cause to have removed, disconnected or altered a warning, guard or other safety device under subdivision (a)(1) if the warning, guard or other safety device is removed, disconnected or altered:
      1. With the sole and intended purpose of improving safety in accordance with accepted industry safety standards; or
      2. When a machine, tool or other implement is redesigned to manufacture a product or products substantially different than it was originally designed, and the warning, guard or other safety device is replaced with a warning, guard or other safety device with equal or improved effectiveness relative to accepted industry safety standards.
  1. A violation of this section is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable only by fine of not more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500).
  2. Evidence of a criminal conviction under this section shall not be admissible in a subsequent action against the employer filed by the employee involving a workplace injury or death.
  3. Neither a conviction nor a failure to obtain a conviction under this section shall preclude any other action authorized by law with respect to conduct in controversy under subsection (a).

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