Traffic Offense Citation Quotas — Performance Standards

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  1. A public official or public employee shall not establish or maintain, formally or informally, a plan to evaluate, promote, compensate, or discipline a law enforcement officer solely by the issuance of a predetermined or specified number of any type or combination of types of traffic citations.
  2. A public official or public employee shall not require or suggest to a law enforcement officer that the law enforcement officer is required or expected to issue a predetermined or specified number of any type or combination of types of traffic citations within a specified period.
  3. Nothing in this section prohibits a municipal corporation, a political subdivision, or any agency of this state from establishing performance standards for law enforcement officers that include issuance of traffic citations but do not require issuance of a predetermined or specified number or any type or combination of types of citations as the sole means of meeting the performance standards.
  4. A violation of this section is a Class B misdemeanor, subject to fine only.
  5. As used in this section:
    1. “Public employee” means any person holding a position by appointment or employment in the service of a public employer;
    2. “Public employer” means:
      1. The state of Tennessee; or
      2. A county, city, town, municipality, or any other political subdivision of the state;
    3. “Public official” means a person elected to any office or entity of state or local government; and
    4. “Traffic offense” means an offense under title 55.

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