Misrepresentation of Service Animal or Support Animal

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  1. As used in this section, “service animal” and “support animal” have the same meanings as the terms are defined in  § 66-7-111(a).
  2. A person commits the offense of misrepresentation of a service animal or support animal who knowingly:
    1. Fraudulently represents, as a part of a request to maintain a service animal or support animal in residential rental property under § 66-7-111 or § 66-28-406, that the person has a disability or disability-related need for the use of a service animal or support animal; or
    2. Provides documentation to a landlord under § 66-7-111(c) or § 66-28-406(c) that falsely states an animal is a service animal or support animal.
  3. Misrepresentation of a service animal or support animal is a Class B misdemeanor.

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