Buying and Selling in Regard to Offices

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  1. The offense of buying and selling in regard to offices is committed when:
    1. Any person holding any office, or being elected to any office:
      1. Enters into any bargain and sale for any valuable consideration whatever in regard to the office;
      2. Sells, resigns or vacates the office for any pecuniary consideration whatever; or
      3. Refuses to qualify and enter upon the discharge of the duties of the office, by reason of any pecuniary consideration; or
    2. Any person:
      1. Offers to buy any office by inducing the incumbent officer to resign, to vacate, or not to qualify; or
      2. Directly or indirectly engages in corruptly procuring the resignation of any officer for any pecuniary or other valuable consideration.
  2. Buying and selling in regard to offices is a Class C felony.

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