Public Servant Guilty of Bribery Offense Disqualified From Holding Office

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  1. Every person who is convicted under § 39-16-102 of accepting or receiving any gift, promise, benefit, or gratuity, as an executive, legislative, or judicial officer, shall forever afterwards be disqualified from holding any office under the laws or constitution of this state.
  2. Any person who is convicted after February 15, 2006, of an offense in another state or under federal law that would constitute a violation of § 39-16-102 if committed in this state shall be, from the date of such conviction, forever disqualified from holding any office under the laws or constitution of this state.
  3. If at the time of conviction for an offense specified in this section, the person still holds an office under the laws or constitution of this state, this section shall apply to such person at the end of the person's term of office, unless otherwise removed or expelled as provided by law prior to that time.

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