Inspection of Persons or Entities Providing Child Care

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  1. It is the duty of the department, through its duly authorized agents, to inspect at regular intervals, without previous notice, all child care agencies or suspected child care agencies, as defined in § 37-5-501.
    1. The department is given the right of entrance, privilege of inspection, access to accounts, records, and information regarding the whereabouts of children under care for the purpose of determining the kind and quality of the care provided to the children and to obtain a proper basis for its decisions and recommendations.
    2. If refused entrance for inspection of a licensed, approved or suspected child care agency, the chancery or circuit court of the county where the licensed, approved or suspected child care agency may be located may issue an immediate ex parte order permitting the department's inspection upon a showing of probable cause, and the court may direct any law enforcement officer to aid the department in executing such order and inspection. Refusal by the child care agency to obey the inspection order may be punished as contempt.
  2. Any violation of the rights given in this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

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