Program to Reimburse Counties for Costs of Inpatient Mental Health Evaluations, Examinations and Detention of Juveniles Charged as Adults — Rules and Regulations
Program to Reimburse Counties for Costs of Inpatient Mental Health Evaluations, Examinations and Detention of Juveniles Charged as Adults — Rules and Regulations
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The council of juvenile and family court judges is authorized to establish and administer a program to reimburse counties for the costs associated with inpatient mental health evaluations and examinations conducted on juveniles charged with an offense which would constitute a felony if committed by an adult. Such a program is subject to available state funding and may include full or partial reimbursements to counties for the costs of inpatient mental health examinations or evaluations ordered by a juvenile court judge, as well as the costs of transportation of the child for a mental health examination or evaluation. The program may also include reimbursement to counties for costs of detention incurred pursuant to § 37-1-116(f) for the purposes of obtaining an outpatient evaluation or examination at a detention facility located in another county.
The council may adopt rules and regulations governing such a reimbursement program pursuant to § 37-1-502.