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After determining that the registrant is entitled to register, the administrator of elections shall give or mail to each voter who is registered permanently a registration card which shall certify that the voter is registered. The voter shall sign the card in the presence of the administrator except for mail registrants or transferors.
The card shall be in substantially the following form on material on which any alteration of the card or of the voter's signature will be readily apparent:
REGISTRATION CARDThis is to certify that Mr. Mrs. Missof voting precinct ward City County Tennessee, was duly registered on the day of , 20 . Residence and is entitled to vote on and after . Administrator of Elections Voter's Signature
On the reverse side of the card shall be printed the reasons for which the registration will be purged and how registration may be transferred to prevent purging.
Registered voters determined by the administrator of elections to be blind so as to qualify for assistance in voting as provided by § 2-7-116(b) shall be provided a permanent registration card, on the reverse side of which shall be printed the provisions for assistance available to such voters under § 2-7-116(b).
Under no circumstances shall a social security number be printed on a voter registration card or used as an identifying number on a voter registration card.