Functions of the Secretary of State, Acting Through the Division of Public Libraries and Archives

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  1. The functions of the secretary of state, acting through the division of public libraries and archives, shall include the following:
    1. Collecting, preserving, and providing public access to archival material and materials of historical, documentary, and reference value, and literary works or printed matter that may be considered by the division of special interest to the citizenship of this state;
    2. The distribution and exchange of publications of the state that may become available from time to time;
    3. The collection and distribution of reference material to state officials and employees and public agencies that may be entitled to the reference material;
    4. The encouragement of library development throughout the state by means of advice, guidance, and library extension services, in the course of which the division is empowered to enter into local, regional, or interstate contracts with competent agencies in the furtherance of library services. The contracts are subject to the prior approval by the secretary of state; and
    5. Other functions that may be designated and authorized from time to time or that may properly belong to the administration of an up-to-date library and archives for the state.
  2. The enumeration of the specific items in subsection (a) shall not be deemed to exclude any other activities that the division may think proper to be handled by it and by the state librarian and archivist.

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