51A-11-6. Joint leaseholds in safe deposit.
Joint leaseholds in and to a safe deposit box may be created by contract with two or more persons, including minors, named as lessees. The terms of the contract may provide that any one or more of the lessees, or the survivor or survivors of the lessee or lessees shall have access and entry to the safe deposit box and the right to remove the contents from the box whether the other lessee or lessees be living, incompetent, or dead, and in case of such removal the lessor is not liable for the removal. The existence of a joint leasehold agreement in and to a safe deposit box shall in no way affect a determination as to what persons hold title to the contents of such box.
Source: SL 1969, ch 11, §9.6; SL 1970, ch 265, §48; SDCL 51-23-6; SL 2000, ch 229, §17.