27B-8-55. Highly restrictive procedures--Limitations on use.
The use of any highly restrictive procedures, including restraints and time-out, shall be described in written behavior intervention programs. Use of restraints shall be applied only in an emergency if alternative techniques have failed. Physical restraint intended to restrict the movement or normal functioning of a portion of a person's body through direct contact by staff, shall be employed only if necessary to protect the person with a developmental disability from immediate injury to self or others. No physical restraint may be employed as punishment, for the convenience of staff, or as a substitute for a program of services and supports. Physical restraint shall be applied only after alternative techniques have failed and only if such restraint is imposed in the least possible restriction consistent with its purpose. Mechanical restraint using mechanical devices intended to restrict the movement or normal functioning of a portion of a person's body is subject to special review and oversight, as defined in rules promulgated pursuant to chapter 1-26. Any mechanical restraint shall be designed and used so as not to cause physical injury to the person with a developmental disability and so as to cause the least possible discomfort. No chemical restraint and medication may be used excessively, as punishment, for the convenience of staff, as a substitute for a program, or in quantities that interfere with a person's developmental program. In accordance with statute and the rules promulgated pursuant to chapter 1-26, due process shall be assured pursuant to §27B-8-52 for the use of physical, mechanical, or chemical restraints, including their use in an emergency or on a continuing basis.
Source: SL 2000, ch 131, §101.