12-5-8. Furnishing to precincts of ballots for precinct committee--Form prescribed by state board.
At the time of printing the official primary election ballots, the county auditor shall also have printed in like number, and for each political party, separate ballots upon which party voters may vote for precinct committeeman and for precinct committeewoman of their political party. These ballots shall be furnished to any election precinct having a contest for such position at the same time with the other election supplies. The form of these ballots shall be prescribed by the State Board of Elections.
Source: SL 1929, ch 118, §10; SL 1931, ch 146; SL 1937, ch 120, §3; SDC 1939, §16.0216; SL 1965, ch 84; SL 1972, ch 79, §3; SL 1976, ch 105, §13.