Editor's Note
Former Section 62-6-107 was titled Rights of creditors and was derived from 1986 Act No. 539, Section 1; 1987 Act No. 171, Section 71.
See, now, Section 62-6-205.
Former Section 62-6-108 was titled Financial institution protection; payment on signature of one party and was derived from 1986 Act No. 539, Section 1; 1987 Act No. 171, Section 72.
See, now, Section 62-6-301.
Former Section 62-6-109 was titled Financial institution protection; payment after death or disability; joint account and was derived from 1986 Act No. 539, Section 1; 1987 Act No. 171, Section 73.
Former Section 62-6-110 was titled Financial institution protection; payment of P.O.D. account and was derived from 1986 Act No. 539, Section 1; 1987 Act No. 171, Section 74.
See, now, Section 62-6-303.
Former Section 62-6-111 was titled Financial institution protection; payment of trust account and was derived from 1986 Act No. 539, Section 1; 1987 Act No. 171, Section 75.
Former Section 62-6-112 was titled Financial institution protection; discharge and was derived from 1986 Act No. 539, Section 1.
See, now, Section 62-6-306.
Former Section 62-6-113 was titled Financial institution protection; set-off and was derived from 1986 Act No. 539, Section 1.
See, now, Section 62-6-307.