Establishment of South Carolina State Library; State Library Board; appointment and terms of office of board members; vacancies.

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There is created the South Carolina State Library governed by the State Library Board consisting of seven members, one from each congressional district. The members must be appointed by the Governor for terms of five years and until their successors are appointed and qualify. All vacancies must be filled in the manner of the original appointment for the unexpired term.

No person is eligible to serve as a member of the board for more than two successive terms, except that a person appointed to fill an unexpired term may be reappointed for two full terms.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 42-200; 1969 (56) 818; 1985 Act No. 178, Section 2; 2012 Act No. 176, Section 16, eff May 25, 2012.

Editor's Note

2012 Act No. 176, Section 18 and 19, provide as follows:

"SECTION 18. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any person elected or appointed to serve, or serving, as a member of any board or commission to represent a Congressional district, whose residency is transferred to another district by a change in the composition of the district, may serve, or continue to serve, the term of office for which he was elected or appointed; however, the appointing or electing authority shall appoint or elect an additional member on that board or commission from the district which loses a resident member as a result of the transfer to serve until the term of the transferred member expires. When a vacancy occurs in the district to which a member has been transferred, the vacancy must not be filled until the full term of the transferred member expires.

"SECTION 19. In the event that elections for incumbent university board of trustees' seats whose terms are expiring this year are not held prior to June 30, 2012, current board members will retain their seats until the General Assembly reconvenes and holds elections."

Effect of Amendment

The 2012 amendment removed "and one from the State at large".

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