Additional minimum safety standards.

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(a) After reasonable notice and an opportunity for the submission for written data, view, or arguments with or without opportunity for oral presentation by interested gas utilities, the regulatory staff, and the public, the commission may establish additional minimum safety standards for pipeline facilities and the transportation of gas (not subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Power Commission under the Natural Gas Act) in this State.

(b) Gas safety standards may apply to the design, installation, inspection, testing, construction, extension, replacement and maintenance of the facilities. The safety standards shall be practicable and designed to meet the need for pipeline safety. In prescribing the standards, the Commission shall consider: (1) relevant pipeline safety data; (2) whether the standards are appropriate for the particular type of pipeline transportation and distribution; (3) the reasonableness of any proposed standards; and (4) the extent to which the standards will contribute to the public safety.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 58-138; 1970 (56) 2420; 2006 Act No. 318, Section 26, eff May 24, 2006.

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