The general assembly finds and declares:
(1) The state and New England face significant short- and long-term energy system challenges that may undermine the reliable operation of the bulk electric system and spur unsustainable levels of price volatility, and that these challenges may have a substantial impact on energy affordability for ratepayers and undermine the economic competitiveness of our state by serving as a detriment to capital investment and job growth; and
(2) Planned retirements of fossil-fuel, nuclear, and other electric generators, along with lack of new interstate natural-gas-pipeline infrastructure and capacity into the region, may exacerbate these conditions; and
(3) Rhode Island benefits from a holistic energy strategy that pursues both local investment in clean-energy resources, such as energy efficiency and renewable distributed generation, and regional investment in energy infrastructure projects that strengthen system reliability and diversify our supply portfolio. The combination of these strategies advances our economic development interests and environmental quality; and
(4) Rhode Island is committed to the increased use of no- and low-carbon energy resources that diversify our energy supply portfolio, provide affordable energy to consumers, and strengthen our shared quality of life and environment, and new energy infrastructure investments may help facilitate the development and interconnection of these resources; and
(5) Rhode Island is part of an integrated, regional energy system and addressing these challenges, while meeting state policy goals, requires a coordinated, multistate approach built upon collaboration and utilizing appropriate expertise and stakeholder processes of regional entities including, but not limited to, the New England States Committee on Electricity, ISO-New England, Inc., and the New England Power Pool that takes into account affordability, energy security, reliability, fuel diversity, and environmental sustainability.
History of Section.
P.L. 2014, ch. 424, § 1; P.L. 2014, ch. 477, § 1.