Pesticide relief advisory board - Powers and duties - No compensation - Legal and clerical assistance.

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The board shall make recommendations to the director concerning emergency responses to pesticide contamination and grants for IPM projects as provided in this chapter. In making these recommendations, the board shall seek the most efficient measure to remedy or ameliorate the effects of pesticide contamination of wells or private water supplies. The board shall also advise the director concerning the policies, plans, and goals to be attained in the administration of this chapter and chapter 25 of this title and shall make annual recommendations to the director; shall make comments and recommendations (prior to a public hearing or before these rules and regulations go into effect) on any rules and regulations relative to chapter 25 of this title and those promulgated by the director; shall review, comment on, and provide additional data to any monitoring program carried out under the provisions of § 23-25-16; shall advise the director on pesticides currently in use which might pose health hazards; shall advise the director regarding the least hazardous means of controlling pests; shall review new pesticide applications and advise the director on possible health hazards posed by the pesticides; shall review any compilations of pesticides currently in use in this state to determine which chemicals and pesticides, if any, should be tested for in the periodic sampling of public water supplies, and to make recommendations to the director to that effect; shall evaluate and make recommendations to the director regarding chemicals and pesticides which require greater control than required by the federal label; shall evaluate and make recommendations to the director regarding chemicals and pesticides which require application setbacks from domestic water wells; and shall perform any other advisory functions as may be assigned to it by the director. The board shall meet at least four (4) times per year. The members shall receive no compensation for their services. The board may request, through the department of environmental management, any clerical, technical, and legal assistance as it may deem necessary to accomplish its purpose.

History of Section.
P.L. 1985, ch. 260, § 1.

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