Disposition of resident child received from another state

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(a) General rule.--If a juvenile court of another state which has adopted the Uniform Juvenile Court Act, or a substantially similar law which includes provisions corresponding to section 6361 (relating to disposition of nonresident child) and this section, requests a court of this Commonwealth to accept jurisdiction of a child found by the requesting court to have committed a delinquent act or to be an unruly or dependent child, and the court of this Commonwealth finds, after investigation that the child is, or is about to become, a resident of a county for which the court is established, the court shall promptly and not later than 14 days after receiving the request issue its acceptance in writing to the requesting court and direct its probation officer or other person designated by it to take physical custody of the child from the requesting court and bring him before the court of this Commonwealth or make other appropriate provisions for his appearance before the court.

(b) Hearing on further disposition.--Upon the filing of certified copies of the orders of the requesting court:

(1) determining that the child committed a delinquent act or is an unruly or dependent child; and

(2) committing the child to the jurisdiction of the court of this Commonwealth;

the court of this Commonwealth shall immediately fix a time for a hearing on the need for treatment, supervision or rehabilitation and disposition of the child or on the continuance of any probation or protective supervision.

(c) Further proceedings.--The hearing and notice thereof and all subsequent proceedings are governed by this chapter. The court may make any order of disposition permitted by the facts and this chapter. The orders of the requesting court are conclusive that the child committed the delinquent act or is an unruly or dependent child and of the facts found by the court in making the orders. If the requesting court has made an order placing the child on probation or under protective supervision, a like order shall be entered by the court of this Commonwealth.

(Apr. 28, 1978, P.L.202, No.53, eff. 60 days)

Cross References. Section 6362 is referred to in sections 6321, 6361 of this title.

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